Despite being careful and doing the necessary research, cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here as it is based on various sources which could be incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise unreliable. Furthermore, all estimates are the opinion of and should be treated as such.
The purpose of this site is to track and compare subscriptions, active players and peak concurrent users from MMORPG's, report on the latest news and give you my opinion on various events related to the MMORPG scene.
If you would like to contact me for suggestions or issues, feel free to send me an e-mail at
This site is best viewed with a resolution of 1200 x 900 or higher.
Credits go to : Sir Bruce For his pioneer work at MMOGCHART.COM
Become a contributor
Anyone who provides me with useful numbers or information that allows me to make a good estimate or rectify mistakes, as well as developers or publishers that provide me directly with datapoints can become a contributor.
As a contributor your name or handle will be listed on the front page and you will receive the latest version of the full data set for which you contributed.
Great ;)
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm very interested in the updated data :)
ReplyDeletelooking forward to the update
ReplyDeleteDue to personal problems, the progress of v3.2 is going slower than wanted, also it is getting even harder to get good data nowadays.
ReplyDeleteEither way, I will release it when it is ready.