Monday, June 1, 2009

Requirements and definitions

Requirements for MMORPG's to be allowed on the charts :

1. They must be in line with the MMORPG definition :
Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
- The game should have the capability to support at least 500 concurrent users on a single shard.
- The game must include a graphical common area where players can interact with one another inside of the persistent game world. This excludes lobby and chat room based interaction.
- Combining point 1 and 2 : There must be a graphical common area where in theory 500 players can come together and interact with one another.
- The game must make use of persistent characters or avatars. This means that you should be able to log in after logging out and find your character or avatar as advanced as you left them (or more).
- The game must contain some form of advancement.

2. Need to have at least 2 good datapoints to be allowed on a chart.

3. For PCU or Active Account datapoints to be valid, an MMORPG has to be in Open Beta or beyond. For Subscription datapoints to be valid, an MMORPG has to be fully released.

4. Subscription definition :
Subscription based MMORPG's are tagged with SS
MMORPG subscriptions must meet one of the following requirements to be allowed on the subscription based charts :
- Susbcribers who have paid a subscription fee of minimal $1 per month.
- Players who have an active prepaid card of minimal $1 per month.
- Players who have purchased an mmorpg and are within their free month of access.
- Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days, if there is a revenue of $1 or more per subscriber per month.
- Players who purchased virtual items or ingame currency for $1 or more per month.

The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards.

5. Active Account definition :
Active Account based MMORPG's are tagged with AA
For an account to be regarded as active, there must be a completed login into the game server at least once per month.
Also included in this definition are all valid subscriptions in accordance with point 4. Subscription definition.

Note :
If anyone thinks some MMORPG made the charts while not fulfilling these requirements, please send an email to to report, and it will be investigated.

Note :
The MMORPG list and charts are based on latest available data, if no new data is made available, certain MMORPG's may be misrepresented. Furthermore many MMORPG's are not listed here because I have not enough information.